Sabbath School & Personal Ministry

Our Mission
Resourcing the movement of our people from membership to discipleship in the areas of Sabbath School, Personal and Prison Ministries.

How we serve 

  • We use a “Systems Approach” by Offering, Resourcing, Consulting, Equipping, Development Services, and Networking Opportunities to our Unions, Conferences, and Local Congregations.
  • Facilitate and assist Unions and Conferences with organization and operation of periodic Convocations which bring our people together for the purpose of enhanced Ministry Development – toward the objective of “A Finished Work”.


Seminars and Workshops 

  • Workshops/Seminars occur on an as-requested basis.

Family Ministry

Our mission
Our mission of evangelism is to provide resources, training, and networking opportunities that will instill hope and bring wholeness to families within the territory of the North American Division. Our vision statement is: Reaching Families for Eternity.
How we serve

  • Develop resources for local congregations
  • Coordinate and promote training events
  • Conduct family wellness, marriage, parenting workshops etc. for conference and union events
  • Provide networking opportunities for those who work on behalf of families


  • “Love for a Lifetime”—a weekend marriage retreat
  • “Beyond I Do”—a one-day marriage recommitment program
  • “How to Kindle the Spiritual Fire in our Children”—a parenting seminar
  • “12 Ingredients of Successful Families”—a family wellness seminar
  • “How to Balance Marriage, Family, and Ministry”—offered at conference or union pastoral meetings
  • “The Family Friendly Church”
  • “What a Difference a Dad Makes”
  • “Solid Singles”

Resources (all available through AdventSource)

Men's Ministry

Our mission
To galvanize the energy and resources of men for God, family, church, and community
How we serve

  • Providing a curriculum and certification for all Men’s Ministries directors
  • Providing e-group newsletters of all Men’s Ministries events in the NAD
  • Providing resources for the start up and maintaining of Men’s Ministries in the local church
  • Providing resources regarding family and church issues affecting men through official Web site 


  • Men’s Ministries Curriculum—available at AdventSource or by calling 402.486.8800

Women's Ministry

Our mission
To model Jesus Christ through meaningful relationships and effective ministries
How we serve

  • Provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal
  • Elevate women as persons of worth
  • Address the concerns of women
  • Build networks among women
  • Mentor young women, teens, and girls
  • Promote opportunities for wider service for women
  • Challenge Adventist women to use their talents and spiritual gifts for the glory of God in the home, church, and community
  • Serve as a clearinghouse for women’s ministries resources
  • Develop resources for local church women’s ministries leaders
  • Publish a quarterly newsletter and monthly e-newsletter for women’s ministries leaders 


Community Service

Our mission
Adventist Community Services (ACS) has been established as a humanitarian relief and individual and community development ministry, to fulfill the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist® Church. ACS’s mission is to develop continuing leadership education, build collaborative partnerships, and expand the scope of community services.
How we serve

  • Equip pastors and lay members with skills and knowledge to help their church and community through the following seven families of ministries: Disaster Response; Crisis Care — Spiritual and Emotional; Community Development/Urban Ministry; Elder Care Ministries; Hope for Humanity; Youth Empowered to Serve (YES!); and Tutoring/Mentoring Programs
  • Provide Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program—A two-level leadership development program that equips pastors and lay leaders with the latest strategies and professional skills to successfully lead and focuses on three major components: Leadership, Nonprofit Management, and Social Dimension of Evangelism
  • Adventist Urban Congress (AUC)—AUC provides opportunities to develop innovative leadership skills to effectively lead our churches to serve our communities in an ever-changing society
  • International Institute of Christian Ministries (IICM) Community Services & Urban Ministries Certification Program
    • Course Description: The IICM Community Services & Urban Ministries Certification Program provides a basic foundation and practical tools for equipping church members  to be change agents in their communities. Jesus' method of facilitating physical, mental, and spiritual healing and restoration in the lives of the people around the church is emphasized. The 38-contact hour curriculum contains 19 modules that cover the biblical, philosophical, and logistical aspects of effective wholistic ministry. For more information, and a list and content of the modules, go to


  • E-reporting: A free Web database that will allow you to record community outreach activities and volunteer information
  • Adventist Urban Congress DVD—Transforming the City
  • Adventist Preaching DVD Volume #25—Sharing the Good News in the 21st Century
  • ACS Ministry Manuals
  • ACS International Institute of Christian Ministries Curriculum (IICM)
  • Optional, helpful materials to purchase: 
    Understanding Your Community, by Monte Sahlin  ($39.95 from
    Churches That Make a Difference:Reaching Your Community With Good News and Good Works, by Ronald J. Sider, Philip N. Olson & Heidi Rolland Unruh (Approximately $15.00 from
  • Engaging and easy to use Ministry Action Kits (such as the “Community Prayer and Blessing” program, and the “My Gift for Jesus” program
  • Catalog of materials, videos, activities for churches to communicate ministries of compassion
  • Special programs for small groups, women’s groups, youth, classrooms and schools, and business leaders
  • Videos for churches and schools
  • Annual Community Partnership Programs 


    • ACS Reach Out Leadership Development Seminars: Six ACS ministry tracks (Disaster Response, Crisis Care—Spiritual and Emotional, Community Development/Urban Ministry, Elder Care Ministries, Youth Empowered to Serve (YES!), and Tutoring/Mentoring Programs) offered simultaneously over the weekend
    • Nonprofit Leadership Certification Program (NLCP): A two level curriculum
    • Adventist Urban Congress (AUC)

    Youth Ministry

    Our mission
    To create a youth ministries presence in every church
    How we serve
    We provide practical resources, training, and mentoring opportunities to youth leaders and their youth

    Youth Ministries is focusing on five areas of emphasis:

    • Prayer and Bible Study
    • Equipping Leader Study
    • Reclaiming the Forgotten
    • Ministry in Action
    • Shepherding

    Pathfinder Club

    Oh, we are the Pathfinders strong,
    The servants of God are we.
    Faithful as we march along,
    In kindness, truth, and purity
    A Message to tell to the world,
    A truth that will set us free!
    King Jesus the Savior's coming back
    For you, and me!


    Children's Ministry

    Children’s ministries develops the faith of children from birth through age 14, leading them into union with the Church. It seeks to provide multiple ministries that will lead children to Jesus and disciple them in their daily walk with Him. It cooperates with the Sabbath School and other departments to provide religious education to children and fulfills its mission by developing a variety of grace-oriented ministries for children that are inclusive, service-oriented, leadership-building, safe, and evangelistic.

    Adventurers Club

    Our mission
    To support parents and caregivers in leading and encouraging their children in a growing, joyful love relationship with Jesus Christ.

    How we serve

    • Serve an intercultural community of children from pre K through 4th grade and their parents and care–givers through a holistic ministry
    • Offer instructional curriculum, family enrichment, supplementary resources, and volunteer training from within the Seventh-day Adventist® philosophy

    Fact: There are 1,202 Adventurer Clubs and 16,900 Adventurers in the NAD territory.

    Deacon & Deaconess Board

    Interest Coodinator

    Church Clerk Office

    Church Treasurers Dept.